A: The XAT 2024 admit card download link was activated on December 26, 2023, allowing numerous students to successfully access their hall tickets. However, within a day, several candidates reported encountering issues as they were unable to download their XAT admit cards due to an inactive login window. Concurrently, the official website xatonline.in has reassured candidates that the XAT admit card download will commence soon, without specifying a date or time for the reopening of the download window. It’s important to note that for those who couldn’t download their XAT hall tickets, there’s no need to worry, as the release is anticipated well in advance of the January 7, 2024, XAT exam day.
Is XAT admit card 2024 out
Is there in any change in XAT exam 2024?
No announced changes will be made to the XAT exam format; it will be conducted in the same manner as before. The exam duration remains at 210 minutes, featuring questions in multiple-choice format. A total of 100 questions will cover Decision Making, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge. Additionally, one essay-based question is included. XAT 2024 introduces a sectional time limit, requiring candidates to complete each section within the stipulated time frame.
The marking scheme mirrors that of the previous year. Correct answers earn candidates 1 mark, while incorrect attempts result in a deduction of 0.25 marks. The XAT result will be determined by the number of correct and incorrect entries. Notably, the essay section will be evaluated exclusively for the Personal Interview (PI) selection process.
What are the dos and don’ts for the XAT 2024 exam day?
A: To ensure a smooth and successful XAT examination day, aspirants must adhere to the guidelines provided in the XAT admit card and the exam day instruction document.
XAT Dos:
- Carry a ballpoint pen, two copies of the admit card, a photo ID, and passport-size photos.
- Arrive at the XAT exam center according to the reporting time mentioned on the admit card.
- Opt for simple outfits like cardigans and sweaters without pockets.
- Submit a copy of the XAT admit card and rough sheets to the invigilator before leaving the test lab.
XAT Don’ts:
- Avoid carrying paper, notebooks, books, or similar items.
- Refrain from bringing electronic items such as mobile phones, pagers, watches, iPads, and calculators.
- Eatables are not allowed inside the exam venue (except for diabetic students with permission).
- Ensure you arrive at the exam center on time; gates will be closed 30 minutes before the exam begins.
- Avoid wearing jewelry or any metal accessories on the exam day.
- Do not leave the test lab before the designated time or without permission.
- Cooperate with frisking or identification procedures at the exam center.
By following these dos and don’ts diligently, XAT aspirants can contribute to a secure and conducive examination environment.
What are the items not allowed inside XAT exam centre?
The XAT exam is conducted in an online mode, eliminating the need to carry any stationary items except for a blue/black ballpoint pen, which is specifically required for signing the attendance sheet.
Candidates are advised against bringing electronic items such as phones, watches, iPads, calculators, pagers, etc., to the examination center. Additionally, any metal items, including clothes and accessories with metal, metal jewelry, caps, headgears, sunglasses, clothes with pockets, and hoodies, are strictly prohibited inside the examination centers. It’s important to note that candidates should refrain from carrying bags and any other valuable items, as nothing besides a pen and essential documents will be allowed inside the exam center. There will be no provision for depositing bags at the exam center.
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